William Blackman's Portfolio

Picture of William Blackman and his dog
I'm avaliable to assist on your project!
HTML, CSS, & JS Logos
I am a full stack software developer,
trained in:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
SQL Logo
back end development, databases and SQL,
Python Logo
and the popular programming language Python.
Startup Text Image
I also have experience in leading & growing a startup.

Profile Photo


I am a software developer and data nerd who loves to code! When I'm not working I'm probably in the mountains.

I am a graduate of The Tech Academy’s Data Science Boot Camp, and trained and experienced in the following web and programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, R and more.

I would love to work with you on your project. Contact me below!


You can view my coding projects on my GitHub profile here:

William Blackman's Github

GitHub Logo
